Kunci Roda Kemudi kanggo Mobil - Fitur Self-locking, Tarik alon-alon kanggo ngunci setir. Sawise ngunci, kendaraan meh ora bisa nguripake, sing kanthi efektif njamin keamanan kendaraan. Ngalangi visual nglawan maling mobil lan dianjurake dening polisi lan ahli mobil!
Sampeyan disambut teka ing pabrik kanggo tuku sing paling anyar, rega murah, lan Kunci Roda Kemudi kanggo Mobil. We look nerusake kanggo kerjo bareng karo sampeyan.
Item |
YH1194 |
Bahan |
baja |
Bobot |
1078g |
Pangobatan lumahing |
Elektroforesis |
Packing |
Kemasan kothak |
1 PC |
warna |
salaka |
Fungsi Struktur |
Cocog kanggo meh kabeh setir. |
Stay Secure with our Car Lock Steering Wheel - Compatible with Various Vehicles Our car lock steering wheel is designed to fit any car with a steering wheel inner diameter of 7.2-12.3 inches, making it perfect for individuals with multiple cars or different models. With this anti-theft device, you can protect your vehicle from unauthorized access and keep it safe at all times.
Enhanced Protection with Double Hook Design - Prevent Tampering The double hook design of our steering wheel lock ensures a tight and sturdy fit onto your steering wheel, adding an extra layer of protection against theft. With this feature, you can have peace of mind knowing that your car is secure and deter potential criminals from even attempting to tamper with it.
Silinder Kunci Tembaga Murni kanggo Ketahanan lan Ketahanan Kunci setir kita nduweni fitur silinder kunci sing digawe saka tembaga murni, njamin daya tahan lan resistensi ngebor lan njupuk. Kanthi silinder kunci sing berkualitas tinggi iki, sampeyan bisa dipercaya manawa kunci setir bakal menehi perlindungan sing tahan suwe kanggo kendaraan sampeyan.
Easy Installation and Removal - Convenient and Effective Installing and removing our steering wheel lock is a breeze, making it a convenient and effective addition to your car's security measures. With its user-friendly design, you can quickly and effortlessly secure your steering wheel whenever you park your car.
1. Alloy kunci rod thickened kanggo 0,55 inci
2. The crescent lock core made of refined copper has a longer service life
3. Setir anti gores busa pelindung pad
4. Nganyarke mburi kunci kanggo darurat conthong jendhela rusak karo tutup
5. Tali Velcro sing trep kanggo panyimpenan