The YOUHENG cycling lock offers high security, reliable quality, and resistance to damage. Crafted from premium materials, this cycling lock is cut-resistant, exceptionally strong, and durable. By using this cycling lock, you can protect your bicycle from theft and ensure the safety of your property. When you're out riding, you can conveniently carry the lock with you or attach it to your bike.
Kunci muter serbaguna iki bisa ngamanake ora mung mancal nanging uga motor, moped, skuter, gerbang, pager, barbecue, mesin pemotong rumput, peralatan olahraga, peralatan ruangan, kothak piranti, tangga, lan liya-liyane! Ora ketompo ing ngendi sampeyan, sampeyan bisa yakin manawa kunci iki bakal njaga barang-barang sampeyan.
Item |
YH9067 |
Digawe saka: |
Baja paduan |
Fungsi Struktur |
Kunci Sepeda |
Kunci muter kita nduweni safety dhuwur, kualitas dipercaya lan ora gampang rusak.
Kunci muter iki digawe saka bahan berkualitas tinggi, tahan potong, kuwat banget, kuwat lan tahan lama. .
Nggunakake kunci muter bisa nglindhungi sepedha supaya ora ilang lan dicolong, lan njamin keamanan properti sampeyan. Nalika sampeyan metu nunggang, sampeyan bisa nggawa kunci langsung karo sampeyan utawa sijine ing mancal, kang trep kanggo nindakake. .
Secure your bike, motorcycle, moped, scooter, gates, fences, barbecue, lawn mower, sports equipment, outdoor equipment, tool boxes, ladders and much more! No need to worry no matter where you are. This lock will safeguard your property!
Tipe Kunci: Kunci Kombinasi
Werna: ireng
Bobot: 50g