Babagan Tow Hooks


A pancing nggeretuga disebut bal nggeret, nggeret, utawa nggeret. Strictly ngandika pesawat lengkap sistem alangan trailer kalebu: telung bagean: mbenakake krenjang, sirah werni lan sistem kontrol daya, ing sawetara kasus sabuk daya ora perlu, supaya uga bisa dituku dhewe yen perlu.

European car trailer system: 50mm diameter trailer ball, the lower part of the ball is a curved support arm, like the neck of a goose. The curvature, length and height of the ball are different for different models.

Werni digawe saka casting ngalangi baja kekuatan dhuwur, kang bagean klempakan saka pasukan sak proses nggeret lan hitching, lan nduweni syarat dhuwur kanggo kekuatan saka baja lan tliti Processing.

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